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Orthopedic semi-rigid casting tape(Softpoly Cast)
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Orthopedic semi-rigid casting tape(Softpoly Cast)


  • Easy to cut with a bandage scissors
  • Easy to trim the cast
  • Enough fixation for support
  • Lightweight and thin
  • Shoes can be worn with the cast on
  • Suitable for a child in cast removal
  • Convenient to wear the cast and take off using by velcro straps
  • Superior resiliency
  • Smooth edges(no skin abrasion)
Use :

Softpoly Cast is intended for secondary and tertiary casting such as various orthopedic problems, and a comprehensive wrap to control swelling. Softpoly Cast, softer, more flexible casting material is typically used for functional immobilizations that can tolerate some movement (e.g., minor broken bones, or more casuall strains, sprains, and ligament damage).

Product Characteristics:
Softpoly Cast consists of a knitted polyester fabric impregnated with a polyurethane resin. Exposure to moisture or water initiates a chemical reaction which causes the roll to set. The finished wrap will retain its shape while remaining resilient to the touch.

Application :
Slip one layer of stockinet over the affected body part. Additional padding may be used for greater protection of pressure points and bony prominences. Gloves must be worn
open only one roll of Softpoly Cast at a time Immerse the roll in room temperature water. Three firm squeeze of the roll while immersed will give a set time of approximately 3~3.5 minutes. To lengthen the set time, immerse the roll and remove it immediately without squeezing. This will give you a set time of around 4 minutes. Warmer water shortens the set time while cooler water lengthens it. Wrap spirally, taking care to avoid excessive tightness.

Smooth and rub the surface to achieve good contact between layers. About 3~5 minutes after immersion in the water, Softpoly Cast is sufficiently cured to prevent further molding.

Removal: Softpoly Cast can be unwrapped, cut off with bandage scissors, or removed with a traditional cast saw.

Product Imformation:
Code No. Description of Goods Size of Product Shipping Q'ty
WS-SC 002X Softpoly Cast 5cm x 3.6m 1CTN(10 boxes of 10rolls)
WS-SC 003X Softpoly Cast 7.5cm x 3.6m 1CTN(10 boxes of 10rolls)
WS-SC 004X Softpoly Cast 10cm x 3.6m 1CTN(10 boxes of 10rolls)
WS-SC 005X Softpoly Cast 12.5cm x 3.6m 1CTN(10 boxes of 10rolls)

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